Sunday, June 12, 2011

Odd Velvet

Students at R.M. Moore read the story Odd Velvet by Mary Whitcomb and shared that ideas about the author's message. Odd Velvet is a story of a new little girl who moves to the neighbourhood. Her classmates notice that Velvet likes to do things a little differently.

When her classmates leave an apple on the desk for their teacher, Velvet leaves a collection of flowers,twigs and rocks in an egg carton. Velvets family likes to do things a little differently as well. The children in the story eventually get to know and like Velvet and her family and come to understand that they are all unique in their own way.

The students in Mrs. Hazelton's class created posters using the messages that they inferred from the text. Enjoy reading their responses.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day of Pink

Congratulations to everyone who participated in making Pink Shirt Day a success. This special day was not only an opportunity to recognize the importance of our continued commitment to a "bully free life" but also a renewal of our commitment to community and character.

Within the many touching stories shared from that day, it was clear that it was the act of "coming together" with an intention of caring for one another, celebrating differences and inclusion for all that mattered most of all to everyone.

Visit for more pictures and a list of activities from that day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Character Happens In Our Schools

There continues to be so many amazing Character opportunities and activities happening in our schools! Look for the new "Celebrating Character" newsletter coming to your school soon, with lots of great tips for embedding character in your classroom and school every day, suggestions for dealing with bullying and how to get your students involved in leadership and service learning...through character in action!

Character in Action
Students across ADSB continue to take on leadership roles in their schools and are involved in active citizenship through a variety of service learning opportunities. With encouragement from their teachers and peers, students are finding creative ways to give to their community and make a difference. All schools are participating in Pink Shirt day this coming Feb.23rd in acknowledgement of their commitment to a "bully-free" life! Together we make a difference.

Speak Up Grants
Congratulations to the successful recipients of the 2010/2011 student Speak Up grants. Intermediate students across Ontario are given the opportunity to write proposals to get involved in making their school a better place to learn. We look forward to hearing more about the progress of their projects and their successes.

Contact Kerry Grbich to have your school’s stories included on the blog.