Friday, September 4, 2009

Your Best Year Yet

Welcome back to a brand new school year. I love this time of year! Fall is absolutely my favourite season because of its beauty and the cool, crisp rejuvenating air. There is something enchanting about Autumn. It is often a refreshing change.

This time of year is also a favourite for me because it is "back to school" time. For many teachers including myself, Fall brings with it a sense of renewal and the anticipation of a brand new start. "Back to school " is often a time to get back to routines, to set new goals and have high expectations for a successful year.

Students come to school the first day often dressed in their best clothes, with new school supplies and renewed hope for their best school year yet. Together students and teachers alike are happy to be with their friends and colleagues and look forward to the coming year. Best wishes for a successful start to your new school year and achieving your "best year yet".

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